Prep Educators Inspire Students to be Innovators
Prep grows and empowers life-long learners by engaging students to be bold in their pursuit of learning, to realize their potential across the curriculum by:
asking questions
building their thinking
exploring new ideas
discovering meaningful connections
using both intellect & imagination to solve problems
This type of learning fosters critical thinking across the spectrum of life’s experiences to encourage and foster growth of the whole person.
We look forward helping your student grow in ways that empower them for life!
- Heather Denton, Principal and Educator
Course Offerings
Bible I-IV
English I-IV, Creative Writing, Contemporary Literature,
Physics, Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, Chemistry
Geometry, Algebra I & II, Pre-Calculus
World History, U.S. History, U.S. Government, Economics
Spanish I & II
PE 9 & 10, Health, Fitness, Varsity Sports
Computer Literacy
Fine Arts and Other Electives
Graduation Requirements